Elite Mindset - Vol 18

Elite Mindset - Vol 18

Obsidian Elite Report: Memes, Stories, and Positivity. BE ELITE!


Holidays are supposed to be about relaxing, enjoying Family and Friends, and getting a break, or at least that’s what it feels like as a Kid. In Reality from a couple weeks before Thanksgiving until first week of January its about Buying Presents, entertaining Family and Friends, Baking, Hanging Lights, Seeing Santa, and running around Nonstop!

For adults its the busiest time of the year, and we often forget to stop to enjoy it. Before I was full time trading, I worked at a job traveling 6 days a week all over the country. It was brutal, often flying into a City and out the same day. The company always through huge Xmas parties, and the last Xmas party I was there ill never forget something my Boss told me. His youngest Daughter was going to be married a few months later and he said his biggest regret was not being able to see his Daughters grow up.

He had been with the company for over 30 years, traveling 6 days a week, and never home. And because of that he missed the Baking, Hanging Lights, taking his Girls to see Santa. He wasn’t able to form Traditions with them, or a special bond while they were young. That was when everything hit home for me as my Middle Child was just born!

Time is the one thing we are robbed of Daily, but we can always make the most of it. So while we are busy always remember to take a look at the bigger picture and enjoy it!

Real Estate

For many people Real Estate can be a foreign language, for others a great investment. We have a few people in chat that have built some large Real Estate Portfolios, and on Jan 13th 11am, we are going to have 1, possibly 2, of them hopping on to do a seminar for everyone. They’ll go over how they started, where they are at now, and how they manage it. They will also go over where they believe the Real Estate Market is headed, and overall best ways for people to get started!


Stock Market Thoughts:

Smallcaps are on fire, and with the way we trade them believe they will still be for awhile here. Big Boards currently are extended, and for the first time in awhile here we have SPX starting to try and curl the Daily 8 sideways, while rejecting the 4782. Currently our MAs are a bit separated and need to close up, in order to do that though the market will either need to push early this week for another quick pop to the upside, followed by sideways remainder of the week, or if we lose the 8 look towards the Daily 21 and a lower cross. With how most charts are looking currently looking more towards a lower cross coming up, which would be a move towards the Daily 21. This would allow for a larger reset across the market, and the Weekly to catch up. Watching the 4782, and Daily 8.


2023 is coming to a close, and each year we have Ups and Downs in the market. Look at where you did best, and where you need to adjust. For instance if you really caught on to Smallcap scalps, but struggled with Swings. Or your profit % was up larger on Option Swings, vs Scalps. Look at the year as a whole and set new Goals for 2024. Write them out and have them in a place where you can see them everyday!


2023 is finishing up and honestly couldn’t be more proud of a lot of you. Have watched a lot of you adopt the Scanners and System and think we have the best Smallcap chat around. Seeing most of you on tickers before they’re even mentioned on Twitter, and calling them out all day. Options seeing a lot starting to take on the Midterm mentality, and a couple of you in particular really noticed a huge change!

2024 we will be building on all of that, We will be running first the OTC and Smallcaps Class, followed by Options Class, and lastly an Elite Class. For those that run through all they will receive Elite Status and have some extra Perks in Chat as well as a few other things!



Stock Charts, Scanners, Classes, Chatroom

Elite Mindset - Vol 19

Elite Mindset - Vol 19

Elite Mindset - Vol 17

Elite Mindset - Vol 17