Terms + Conditions

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about anything presented in these Terms and Conditions please feel free to use our contact form. We look forward to seeing everyone as a part of the Odyssey Trading Group!

Acceptance of ALL terms below:

By using or registering with odysseytradinggroup.com you are agreeing to be bound by all terms and conditions presented in this document. These policies and conditions are effective for all users immediately upon visit and/or use of our site. If you do not agree to ALL terms presented, please do not use this site.

Please note: Odyssey Trading Group (and its site odysseytradinggroup.com) is not a Registered Investment Adviser, Broker Dealer, or a member of any association for other research providers in any jurisdiction whatsoever and we are not qualified to give financial advice. Investing/trading in financial securities is highly speculative and carries an extremely high degree of risk and use of the information provided is at the investor’s sole risk. Odyssey Trading Group associates are not registered Investment advisors in any jurisdiction whatsoever. You need to do your own research and form your own opinions. Odyssey Trading Group associates are not analysts and in no way making any projections or target prices. We reserve the right to buy or sell the shares of any of the companies mentioned in any materials we produce at any time.

Odyssey Trading Group has been advised that the purchase of such high risk securities may result in the loss of some or all of the investment. Investors should not rely solely on the information presented on odysseytradinggroup.com. Investors should use the information provided by the profiled companies as a starting point for doing additional independent research in order to form his or her own opinion regarding investing in the profiled companies. Factual statements made by the profiled companies are made as of the date stated and are subject to change without notice. Investing in micro-cap securities is highly speculative and carries an extremely high degree of risk. It is possible that an investor’s entire investment may be lost or impaired due to the speculative nature of the companies profiled. Odyssey Trading Group and its associates make no recommendation that the securities of the companies profiled should be purchased, sold, or held by individuals or entities that learn of the profiled companies through odysseytradinggroup.com. Odyssey Trading Group associates may or may not hold positions in the companies that are profiled.

  1. Services Provided and Informational Guidelines:

○      There are many risks associated with online investing. The SEC is diligent about posting information on cyber fraud and The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) offers analysis on safe and careful investing in this new digital era. The North American Securities Administrators Association (NASAA) also provides guidelines to help avoid online investment schemes that target vulnerable and unsuspecting investors. Below you can find links to these informative websites:


○      If there are any messages or form of communication you find to be in direct violation of securities laws don’t hesitate to contact the Securities and Exchange Commission. For any such communication about violation of these laws use the link below:

○       Odysseytradinggroup.com is a site where trade and investment ideas are freely spoken about and debated on --the Site does NOT condone bashing or false or misleading information and will always be available to review any discrepancies. The user is completely responsible for who and what they base their decisions off of when using this site. These forums are only meant for the transfer and analysis of information. Every user is responsible for their own analysis on each post by any user on this site. Some users may not be who they say they are or have what they say they have. Some posts by users may even be false, misleading, or deceptive for their own personal gains. If you believe this to be intentional please contact us via the contact form and/or flag the offending posts for moderation. With investments and trading everyone should always look to consulting with a professional in the field.

○      We strive to review all communications received by users about possible violations of the site policies. We will take all necessary action upon discovery of violations in the following ways including but not limited to: removing the offending posts and account suspension temporary or permanent.

○      Odyssey Trading Group has the right to either modify or close the site at any time deemed necessary with or without notifications to you. We cannot be held liable for exercising this ability.

○      Technical issues can occur and are sometimes out of our hands. Any delays, disruptions, or network issues of any kind will be addressed immediately but are sometimes completely out of our control. Odyssey Trading Group cannot be held liable for such occurrences.

2. Code of Conduct for ALL Users:

We reserve the right to remove and even restore posts. It is every member's responsibility to bring forth violations of any of the terms presented above or below. We will review each violation and take action based on our findings. We will remove any and all posts at our discretion. These reasons include but are not limited to:- Any text that is or contains threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, libelous, vulgar, hateful, deceptive, fraudulent, invasion of privacy, sexual acts, violent or any other violations of terms.
-Any text that attacks the owners and associates of Odyssey Trading Group.
-Any form of communication that victimizes, harasses, degrades or intimidates another user/group of users.
-Impersonation of another user, entity, or person.
-Spamming: email, junk email, ads, repetitive similar posts, product promotion, service promotion, solicitation, gambling, bartering.
-Immediate suspension will occur for posts containing software viruses, files, or code brought forth to disrupt, damage, or even limit the ability of the website to function.
-Uploading false information, profile information, and personal contact information of other users without their consent. Not only is this considered harassment, it also falls under the Odyssey Trading Group "no bashing" policy and will be subject to those terms (See Section 3: 3 strike bashing rules).
Any of the above code of conduct is applicable to Odyssey Trading Group associates and its members on and off this site. Inappropriate behavior based on anything found on this site about its members, associates, moderators, etc that is used in a threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, libelous, vulgar, hateful, deceptive, fraudulent, invasion of privacy, sexual acts, violent or any other violations of terms manner, may be subject to the bashing rules (See Section 3: 3 strike bashing rules). This is a positive community and we do not want to instill hostility anywhere towards our members as it creates a negative user experience be it on or off this site. As always, we are available via the contact form to hear what you have to say --be it to report terms violations, harassment, or give us a suggestion on ways to improve our site.

3. Important Rules and Detailed Reasons for Message/Post Deletion and Suspension of Accounts:

Odyssey Trading Group will enforce a strict "No Bashing" policy by using the definition of bashing as follows:

Bashing: is considered the following but not limited to:

○      Excessive negative posts directed at a person or stock in order to attempt to manipulate the price of a stock or cause controversy on the forums.The forums are meant to be an environment for traders to freely share ideas, learn, and present opinions in a calm professional manner. Excessive negative posts cause and lead to several other policy violations --because of this Odyssey Trading Group will enforce a strict "no bashing” policy. Odyssey Trading Group will permit negative posts towards positions that aren't excessive by the same user, have fundamental/technical analysis to back up their claims, and are presented in a clear, professional, concise manner. The discretion on what posts fall into either of these categories is completely up to Odyssey Trading Group and its associates.

○      An individual, either acting alone or on behalf of someone else, who attempts to devalue a stock by spreading false or exaggerated claims against a public company.After the stock's price has dropped, the basher or the basher's employer, will then purchase the stock at a lower price than what he or she believes it is intrinsically worth.

○      This is an illegal activity that can carry significant legal repercussions.The basher generally benefits on how effective the negative rumors are, which can dramatically affect a stock's value.If an investor believes the false claims, he or she may sell the stock at the higher price before it falls. The basher will then purchase the stock and ride out the gains.

○      For further clarification, see Investopedia's definition of bashing at http://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/stockbasher.asp

Odyssey Trading Group will enforce a strict "No Pumping" policy by using the definition of pumping as follows:

3.2 Pumping: is considered the following but not limited to:

○      Excessive positive posts by the same user that are presented with zero fundamental and technical analysis to back it. Odyssey Trading Group forums should always consist of calm, clear, and concise discussions. The forums should always be on topic and consist of relevant facts involving the topic at hand.

○      Pumping follows the same 3 Strike Rule For Bashing(Refer to Section 3. 3 Strike Bashing Rules).

○      The discretion of what is “pumping” and what is not “pumping” is up to the discretion of Odyssey Trading Group and its associates.
*NOTE* it is possible to remove strikes so long as it is not your third and final which will be grounds for a permanent ban from the Odyssey Trading Group chat and forums. If a user displays good behavior for at least 3 months from the time of the last strike, he or she is eligible to decrease their strike count by 1. For example, a user is on their second strike and goes 3 months without violating the bashing/pumping rules --That user is eligible to bring their strike count down to 1. If that user goes another 3 months without violating the bashing/pumping rules, the user may have their first strike removed. Additionally, creating multiple accounts while on a suspension is grounds for permanent ban from the Odyssey Trading Group site. Creating accounts while on suspension in attempts to gain access to the site means you are forfeiting your refund and any other benefits associated with your membership (i.e. moderator status, trader boards, webinars, chat, forum access, etc.). If you are on suspension or have received warnings, it is for a reason and creating other accounts is an attempt to bypass Odyssey Trading Group Terms and Conditions with relevance to site usage. It is at the sole discretion of Odyssey Trading Group as to how to proceed with any attempts to create multiple accounts.

3.3 3 Strike Bashing/Pumping Rules:

○      The first post to be found in violation of the “no bashing” policy will result in the user being issued a warning from a Odyssey Trading Group associate.

○      The second post to be found in violation of the “no bashing” policy by the same user will be issued a 30 day suspension from the Odyssey Trading Group “Community” and "Chat" sections of odysseytradinggroup.com (for refunds, see section 6: Refund Policy).

○      The third post to be found in violation of the “no bashing” policy by the same user will be issued a permanent and total suspension from Odyssey Trading Group “Community” and "Chat" sections of odysseytradinggroup.com. (for refunds, see section 6: Refund Policy).

4. Intellectual Property of Odyssey Trading Group:

○      All content provided by Odyssey Trading Group on this site is protected with copyrights and trademarks. Copies, reproductions, or distributions of any content from this site without proper approval from Odyssey Trading Group LLC. is subject to criminal and civil litigation.

5. Website Use:

○      The use of this website for downloads or acquiring of materials is done at the users own discretion and risk. You are also agreeing that you are solely responsible for any damages to your property because of any activities conducted on this site.

○      All content provided by Odyssey Trading Group on this site is protected with copyrights and trademarks. Copies, reproductions, or distributions of any content from this site without proper approval from Odyssey Trading Group LLC. is subject to criminal and civil litigation.

○      Odyssey Trading Group cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect damages, loss of profits due to any data, webinars, or posts from the website platform as this information should always be supplemented by your own research and information can change without notice.

○      You, the user, hold complete responsibility of your password and account. The user must always take the necessary steps themselves to ensure this remains confidential to themselves and themselves only. We will only ask for your password when assistance on the account is requested and for identification purposes. Notify us immediately if you believe the security of your account has been compromised in any way. We will not share your password or personal information to any outside entities or agencies for any other purpose than legal/law-enforcement cooperation.

○      We may at any time terminate and suspend your account and access to the website with or without notice for a breach of these terms.

○      If illegal activity is suspected in conjunction with your suspension/termination, the appropriate law enforcement agencies will be informed. When termination or suspension of your account occurs your ability to use the website and any of the services we offer will immediately end. You acknowledge and understand that upon suspension/termination we reserve the right to deactivate and permanently delete all your information and files saved on your account. You will then be barred from any future access to odysseytradinggroup.com. We cannot be held liable for any termination or suspensions of your account based on grounds of illegal activity.

○      For detailed information about data privacy and your personal information, please read our Privacy Policy.

6. Release of Liability:

Through use of this website viewing or using you agree to hold Odyssey Trading Group and its operators, owners, and moderators harmless and to completely release them from any and all liability due to any and all loss (monetary or otherwise), damage (monetary or otherwise), or injury (monetary or otherwise) that you may incur.Readers are advised that analysis reports, blogs, forum, and chat posts are issued solely for informational purposes. Neither the information presented nor any statement or expression of opinion, or any other matter herein, directly or indirectly constitutes a representation by the publisher nor a solicitation of the purchase or sale of any securities. The information contained herein is based on sources which we believe to be reliable but is not guaranteed by us as being accurate and does not purport to be a complete statement or summary of the available data. The owner, publisher, editor and their associates are not responsible for errors and omissions. They may, from time to time, have a position in the securities mentioned herein and may increase or decrease such positions without notice. Any opinions expressed are subject to change without notice. Odyssey Trading Group encourages readers and investors to supplement the information contained/posted on this site with independent research and other professional advice. All information on featured companies is provided by the companies profiled, or is available from public sources.

7. Safe Harbor Statement:

Never invest in any stock featured on our site or emails unless you can afford to lose your entire investment. This stock profile/advertisement or e-mail alert contains or incorporates by reference” forward-looking statements,” including certain information with respect to plans and strategies of the featured company. As such, any statements contained herein or incorporated herein by reference that are not statements of historical fact may be deemed to be forward-looking statements. Without limiting the foregoing, the words “believe(s),” “anticipate(s),” “plan(s),” “expect(s),” “project(s)”, "forecast(s)" "will", "estimate(s)", “understand(s)” or that by statements indicating certain actions "may", "could", or "might occur", and similar expressions which are intended to identify forward-looking statements. There are a number of important factors that could cause actual events or actual results of the companies profiled herein to differ materially from these forecasts and projections as indicated by such forward-looking statements. Statements that are not strictly historical are "forward-looking" within the meaning of the Safe Harbor Clause of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Investors are cautioned that such forward-looking statements invoke risk and uncertainties that may cause the Company’s actual results to differ materially from such forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, demand for the Company’s product both domestically and abroad, the Company’s ability to continue to develop its market, the Company’s ability to obtain necessary financing, general economic conditions, and other factors that may be more fully described in the company’s literature and any periodic filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Everything listed here creates an inherent conflict of interest and readers are encouraged to do their own research. Certain statements contained herein are “forward-looking” statements (as such term is defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995). Because such statements include risks and uncertainties, actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, results from ongoing research and development as well as clinical studies, ability to reproduce study results in humans, failure to obtain regulatory approval for the Company’s products, if required, failure to develop a product based on the Company’s technology, failure of any such products to compete effectively with existing products, the inability to find a strategic partner or to consummate a relationship with a potential strategic partner on acceptable terms, and other factors discussed in filings made by the Company with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The information contained herein contains forward-looking information within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1993 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 including statements regarding expected continual growth of the company and the value of its securities. In accordance with the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 it is hereby noted that statements contained herein that look forward in time which include everything other than historical information, involve risk and uncertainties that may affect the company’s actual results of operation. Factors that could cause actual results to differ include the size and growth of the market for the company’s products, the company’s ability to fund its capital requirements in the near term and in the long-term, pricing pressures, unforeseen and/or unexpected circumstances in happenings, pricing pressures, etc. Investing in securities is speculative and carries risk. Past performance does not guarantee future results.

Thank you for your compliance with the Terms and Conditions set forth in this Odyssey Trading Group LLC Terms and Conditions document.

Terms and Conditions Last Updated September 2019