Elite Mindset - Vol 16

Elite Mindset - Vol 16

Obsidian Elite Report: Memes, Stories, and Positivity. BE ELITE!

Defining Moments:

Life is filled with a million small moments, that bundle together to Define the Person we become. Each and everyone of us can attribute all of our Best Skills, Goals, and Personality to these moments.

Growing up my Dad spent a lot of his time remodeling our house, building ornamental Chairs, and working on Cars. It felt like he knew how to do everything. I remember many nights and Weekends, being forced to help him, even though I knew those were not things I was interested in.

We used to Spend Hours in the Garage wood working, and Years later when I was 14, rebuilding an old Camaro I had bought. Woodworking turned into repairing a car, and just like before, it rarely went according to plan. I quickly learned though, that no matter what happened, we kept working, adjusting, and trying different things until a solution was found.

As a kid I had no patience, and just wanted to give up. But we would work on the smallest of things for hours trying to fix it. Sometimes that meant starting completely over, after every other avenue was exhausted.

When I turned 23, I was working Construction, where equipment breaks down Constantly, and Nothing goes according to PLAN! But no matter what, I was always trying to exhaust every option fixing, and finding solutions until the Job was done. I didn’t realize until just a few years ago, where that came from. I had not only learned Patience, but that there is a solution to every problem, so tackle every Problem Head On, and Don’t Give Up until you find it!

I could continue on naming 20 other Defining Moments in my life, but the most important thing to remember is Every Single person has those moments. From Entrepreneurs who were told they’d never make it, to a break up, to moments we thought were significant, you never know which will be the one that helps build your Character.

For those of us with Kids, remember things that whatever any moment can be a defining moment in our Children’s lives. How we are remembered, and what they achieve as adults, start with us!

Dad Pranks

My Wife from time to time gets on different Health kicks. Tries to make sure we all eat better, kids don’t eat junk etc. And to be honest, its worked out great, my kids majority of the time will choose a veggie tray over a bag of potato chips. A few weeks ago she had made a lot of Hard Boiled eggs, that she wanted the kids to have as a side for Breakfast, or as a quick snack.

Being the person I am, I decided to hide a regular egg, in the bowl of Hard Boiled eggs, and walked away chuckling. Later that day, my Wife decided to grab an egg, and out of nowhere cracks it on the wall next to the fridge, and of course its the 1 egg I put in there. No idea why she tried cracking it on the Wall of all places, but it splattered everywhere, and all over her.

Needless to say, Dad Pranks aren’t quite as fun when it’s your Wife and not the Kids!


Stock Market Thoughts:

We ended the week with an ugly Weekly, and Monthly candle ongoing. Next week our Weekly will be opening directly into resistance, and many charts currently have a pattern that looks like a false breakout. Its where the midterm 4hr/Daily do a quick pop above the 8ma, similar to Sept 14 on ES. SPY 431 will becoming the defining spot to watch here. Above that and believe we move upwards to start the week, but still see downside.

Markets are tough, this past week was much harder than normal when you get into ranges. Quick pops, drops, and moves that don’t finish. Take profits and losses quickly. But keep learning, watching, and digest the patterns. You will have a week here and there that dont mesh, and many more where it does and you succeed. Recognize the difference in the markets during those weeks! Every one of you has it in them to be solid, its just about the amount of time and energy you put into it!

Life Hack:

Life Hack I just recently started using, that has become one of the best tricks ever. At times I like to play the “out of touch”, with the younger generation card for fun. My oldest Son started saying “bet”, which is a new way to say I agree, or Cool. But every time he uses it now, I instantly make a quick bet. So for example, we were running later than normal to school the other day, and I said we will still be on time. To which he responded, “bet”, so I instantly said OK, “Bet is, if we get there on time, you have to fold all the laundry tonight”. He then said, “what, that’s not what I meant”. We got to school on time, and he got laundry duty.


Obsidian has been around for 1 year now! We have a lot of new people, and haven’t done a small account in awhile, so will kick one off this week!



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Elite Mindset - Vol 17

Elite Mindset - Vol 17

Elite Mindset - Vol 15

Elite Mindset - Vol 15