Elite Mindset - Vol 15

Elite Mindset - Vol 15

Obsidian Elite Report: Memes, Stories, and Positivity. BE ELITE!

Trader Highlights:

I see everyone growing. Some people are working out for the first time in years, many of you going above and beyond donating Money to Churches, Food Banks, and giving out Gift Cards. A lot of you branching out and sharing Ideas with each other, and many more who are really learning our Stock Setup!

A Couple of Traders who have really impressed me lately:

Nickt - Been with us for a little over a year, and has consistently grown. Sharing material that has helped him with others and offering encouragement!

Murph - Newer to us over the past couple of months, when he first hopped in I knew he had the focus, but had some Biases etc to work out. Has overwhelmingly put forth an effort to learn, and is putting up great numbers now, with sticking to Rules.

Carps - Everyone knows him, sharing great ideas consistently and one of the hardest workers in Chat!


Social Media has become something cliché to talk about, but is something I think no-one has attempted to correct. I bring this up because it directly affects our everyday lives. We now have so many different avenues to post about ourselves, and this has led down a dark avenue. We have people posting pics of Lambos, and Rolex’s in order to sell Airbnb Rental Classes, TikTok Challenges like seeing how many Benadryl you can take!

So much Political, Racism, and anger inducing thoughts shoved in our faces daily. People posting randomness for engagement, and every where we turn Posts where everyone is forced to take sides. Social Media went from sharing Baby and Vacation photos, to a place where every post has an agenda, and seems to piss someone off. It has become a place filled with Hate, Scams, and bad ideas.

None of this is good for our Mental state, if you feed into all of it, read it all, or even respond to it, it will slowly deprive you of Happiness. All of this will breed anger, rash opinions, and cloud your judgement. So I encourage everyone to spend less time on Social Media, ignore comments, and keep your Kids off of most platforms! Let others argue about pointless things, troll each other, and be Unhappy while we make the choice to be above it!


Presents are always such a big deal to most people. Kid’s dream of their Birthdays and Christmas, Woman love to be Pampered, even Guys love certain ones. My Mother in Law one year for my Birthday, shipped down a present. Upon opening it up, I saw she had taken a coloring book, colored a picture of a Cat, Framed it, and signed the bottom of it. It was by far the most Bizarre thing I have ever received, and when they come to visit still have to hang it up. But to this day, I still have no Idea why the hell she sent it. Did it have a subliminal message? Was she just really proud of it? I’m not even a Cat person!

I’m starting to believe it was Psychological warfare, knowing that for years I would question it, think about it, and be confused. And in reality how many Presents do we remember years later? Not many, but I certainly will this one, and that alone might have been the Point! But after all this time, I have decided this Christmas I return the favor, and send an equally random present that years later others will remember!


Stock Market Thoughts:

September had an ugly Monthly candle as we predicted, but they closed right near our 8ma. Now opening up in October we have another set of clear lines here. A dip below this, and we will be pulling towards 4167 area on ES, but with how weekly and monthly are formed, bulls have a shot to take us back upwards in October, upside will be choppy though because of our Shadow Candles, and if the move up this week is too quick, pushing back through weeklies hard, will draw us back down the following week. Will keep close eye on the Daily to confirm either direction as usual.

If your buying a lotto ticket, trying to win do you buy just 1 or 3? If your trying to start a business do you sell just 1 item or multiple? If your trading the stock market, do you trade just 1 market or All of them? There is no reason to limit yourself, yet I see people proud that they don’t branch out.

OTC level 2s still look clean at the moment, liquidity was a bit lighter this week, but expecting it to still heat up a bit more. Seeing some loading going on behind the scenes on certain ones, and will post a few of those. Pick the solid stocks, don’t run and chase!

Tips of a Fulltime Trader:

Tip #22: Your desk only needs 3 things. A computer, Monitor, and an old Lucky Coin to flip for the important decisions. (joke)


Our Updated Logo is out, and with it our first BE ELITE apparel! We will every so often put out some for a weekend etc, but want each set to be unique so wont leave them up fulltime. So this weekend we have our Be Elite Line up! If you are planning the Golf Trip with us, make sure to check out the Polos!



Stock Charts, Scanners, Classes, Chatroom

Elite Mindset - Vol 16

Elite Mindset - Vol 16

Elite Mindset - Vol 14

Elite Mindset - Vol 14