Elite Mindset - Vol 23

Elite Mindset - Vol 23

Obsidian Elite Report: Memes, Stories, and Positivity. BE ELITE!


It has been awhile since I have gotten an Elite Mindset out, and one of the reasons was Burnout. The older we get, the more we talk about differences between how we were as kids, and kids now days. People talk about how we were outside nonstop, no electronics, and were tougher. The reality of it though is we just never had those things, so we adapted, used imaginations, focused on what we could which was sports, friends, and family. We weren’t able to just call, text, or link up on hundreds of chats in a second.

Now that we are older one of the main reasons we realize that is because electronics as a whole cause Burnout. With running a chatroom my days are spent checking my phone, answering DMs on Discord, Twitter, playing phone tag, staring at screens, and overall from the moment I wake up till about 1am I’m constantly engaged with someone.

This all affects mental health, can cause stress, anxiety among other things. So it’s important to remember to shut it all off. You don’t need to respond within seconds, you don’t need to write 10 twitter posts a day, you don’t need the engagement. What you need is time to yourself, time for your friends and kids. Time to form Hobbies outside of electronics!

Few things I changed over the past 6 months is that each night I spend from 4pm-9pm with my kids, whether its at their sporting events, going to parks, swimming, or just playing. I rarely look at my phone during this time unless its a phone call. After that at 10pm I spend an hour working out, and running. Burnout is real, and it doesn’t need to be!

GroldenDD Hub

In 2018, after 6 years of trading the OTC I decided to open up a small Chat and teach the OTC. Most of the members still refer to it as Class 1, or the GroldenDD Hub. At that time we were strictly OTC, didn’t trade anything else at all! This chat had 15 original members, of those 15 original members 6 years later we still have 10 of them with us. This is something I remember and think about all the time. From just trading OTC we adapted learning Options, and Smallcaps. We expanded the Chatrooms, and even changed names. But they have stuck with us throughout it all, and all of them have switched and adapted learning new markets along the way. About a month after the original chat we opened up to 10 other members, and 6 of those members are with us still! I want to give a special shoutout to the guys below, not only for sticking with us but for adapting, learning new markets, and grinding every year together!

Orbit Beyond

With OTC and Smallcaps were constantly faced with fake stories, dilution, reverse splits, offerings, and larger money using us as cannon fodder. Small Companies a lot of times can’t help it either, the terms they are offered on any funding is absurd, a lot of times have to even give up a CFO spot, awful dilution, board seats, and they have to accept or see the company fail. So a few months ago started to pitch the idea of Retail working with Small Companies.

Through this a larger than expected opportunity Orbit Beyond fell into our lap. Obviously most have seen the DD on this, but its not often that we get a chance to jump into a company Early that Literally lands on the moon, with no dilution, reverse split plans, or controlled by larger money. This is a story and stock that we will be able to control and Grow with the company. We are completing the Private Placement by Monday Morning, with a few last people hopping in, and over the next few weeks will be going public, looking at Nasa awards, and bringing on other partnerships. Excited for this journey with ya’ll, and excited to bring a couple of other companies forward after. Goal is for some longer term investments, in companies we can Grow with from the ground floor!

Stock Market Thoughts:

OTC - While everyone has written the OTC off and joined MemeCoin land, it has continued to produce some movers. While its not the 2021 timeframe, there are plenty of opportunities going around. I think we see this continue, and actually heat up more as others realize it as well. We have already had a few trips to .01s movers this year, and am expecting a lot of solid moves coming up. L2s are cleaner, a lot of the liquidity is coming in, and a few new stories are developing!

Smallcaps - Not much to say on smallcaps, they have been absolutely crazy lately! The smallcap market has had so many runners daily its hard to keep up. Only suggestion here is to focus on a few, dont get overwhelmed trying to focus on too many!

Options - Slower market last week, a lot of grind sideways, dont sit and stare at screens. Currently think this market is one to build a position for a few weeks out, sit back and wait!


OTC, SMallcap, Options Class is about to start. Whether you have been through them before or not, we have added another teacher, and will be running through everything at length. time to stop sitting back, relook everything over as we hunt for some otc, and learn other markets!



Stock Charts, Scanners, Classes, Chatroom

Elite Mindset - Vol 22

Elite Mindset - Vol 22