Elite Mindset - Vol 8

Elite Mindset - Vol 8

Obsidian Elite Report: Memes, Stories, and Positivity. BE ELITE!


Been turning Shark Week on as Background noise, and gotta say they are getting crazier. Most recent Episode I saw was “Cocaine Sharks”. They were studying if all the drugs dropped into the Ocean from Drug Cartels smuggling into Florida, were getting into the Sharks system and affecting them.

But the Craziest part of this was when they said, “Most of what we know about drugs and fish were through Studies done in the UK”. This got me intrigued so I looked it up, and Scientists in Switzerland, and the UK have bene studying the effects of Cocaine, Meth etc on fish and making them do crazy stuff.

I have no idea what this proves, why we are studying this, or in what way a Methhead Tuna helps us. But what I do know is Governments spend Tax Payer money in the dumbest ways, and oversight needs to be done!

Generational Differences:

Every Generation has been Cocky, but none more so than the Boomers and Generation X using phrases such as “God help us when they are running things”. Heard all about how we were lazy, dumb, and glued to screens. For real the Generation X Folks who literally purchased Pet Rocks, wants to criticize a generation that brought huge Tech Advances. Some Dude painted Eyes on a rock, and our Parents used actual Money to buy it, then want to act like they are the smart ones…


Mental Health:

I recently Shared a video by Harbs from in chat. He goes out with his Daughter and delivers food to homeless, tipping large to Uber Drivers, and at restaurants. We are faced with videos and news daily of awful things, and people seeking attention. Very Rarely are we shown inspiration like this. Inspiration to be better people towards others, to show that 1 small act of kindness can change someones entire day, and can spread to more and more people!


Stock Market Thoughts:

Awesome Week this week, just like we thought we got the Pull TO THE DAY on SPX and the Market, scalped both directions perfectly this week, and laid out plans taking positons for next week. Smallcaps ARMP, MSGM, YELL, and others traded beautifully. Next week thoughts laid out in Chat and will go over Sunday night. Nice to see some of the gains this week!


MONTHLY Prices will be going up this weekend, anyone already on it will be Grandfathered in!



Stock Charts, Scanners, Classes, Chatroom

Elite Mindset - Vol 9

Elite Mindset - Vol 9

Exact Levels and When a Move will Happen

Exact Levels and When a Move will Happen